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This Amazing Day

from Anthony Surage

What describes a fishing day as amazing?  Certainly it seems to be something more than the number or size of fish caught.  “Some-thing” more amazing than us and our abilities and expectations must define the day. Some times guides, such as myself, are slow to learn this truth.
Today I took a couple out to Deckers that had never trout fished before.  They certainly did not know anything of how the river was before the big fire or during decades prior to the Hayman fire. I remembered those former amazing days even as we fished. Those memories flowed down the river and gave way to a new day.
This couple found this day to be most amazing as they hooked beautiful rainbows and browns. One Brown catapulted out of the river 8 times before surrendering to the net.  One deep-bodied rainbow went 18-19 inches. These were amazing battles from amazing fish that made my clients chase fish down river.
A morning of multiple landings and break offs and pullouts of good fish. 
After each fish was landed this fine couple said “thank you.”  I mean, they said those words out loud. They deeply appreciated the beauty of each fish, the amazing sky and the river. They kept saying, “This place is beautiful; this place is amazing. Thank you.”
And then I, too, one who is sometimes a bit slow to be grateful, realized it had indeed been a most amazing day. This fine couple with grateful hearts had made it so and I shared it with them.  
I too could say thank you. Thank You.
“i thank you God for most this amazing
day: for leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky above; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes.” — e.e. cummings 

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