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Giving Back

Giving Back


When my father first took me to Angler’s Covey I was twelve years old.  Although I didn’t yet understand the fishing side of fly-fishing, I had recently started tying flies and was really having fun with it. Back then the Covey was just a small blue house in a back alley, but when we went in I felt as if I had just walked into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Fly tying was the coolest thing in the world to me, and here in this little room was a plethora of different things to look at, to touch and play with. Here were all the threads, rabbit faces, feathers, tinsel, hair and other materials needed to create fake bugs. Here were the people who could teach you to tie a fly that you could use to catch a fish or scare the crap out of your mom. I learned a lot over the years from that little house, and as I grew up and learned more about fishing and fly tying it grew as well. The tiny blue house moved and became a large brown and green barn. It became the largest fly shop in the country.


Angler’s Covey grew and matured, but never lost touch with the core of their success: their commitment to customer service. The people that are the heart and soul of this store are there for the love of the sport, not just a paycheck. They are always happy to answer questions, offer helpful hints, and work together to solve any problems a fellow angler might be having. They are there to share their passion, and their collective decades of experience are at the disposal of anybody who walks through their doors. Employees have come and gone over the years, just like anywhere else, but what’s nice is they seem to be replaced with people just like them. I am very happy to say that I still shop at Angler’s Covey, and that the current staff is comprised of some of the most caring, knowledgeable, hardworking, easygoing and funniest people around. Always looking for ways to educate their customers and introduce new people to the sport, they have expanded their services to include a wide range of classes, seminaries and guided fishing trips, including many women’s events. They offer so much that it’s difficult to take in all at once.


What I’m saying is, if you’re out there sitting on your couch, at the kitchen table or on your computer, whether you’re an experienced angler or have never picked up a fishing rod, take a drive over to the Covey. Come and see the wonderful store that I grew up with and that has given me such a priceless gift. It set me on the pathway to the mountains and the outdoor life, and it can do the same for you. So come and share in the adventure with us, and please don’t be afraid to ask any questions. The only bad question is the one never asked. I can’t wait to meet you, so please ask to talk to me – yes I now work here. Angler’s Covey has taught me so much, and it’s time for me to share it all with you.


Travis Lamere

Colorado Tackle Pro

Fishing Tackle Expert

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