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International Sportsmen's Expo


We’re excited to announce that our sister shop, Pikes Peak Outfitter, will have a booth at the 40th annual International Sportsmen’s Expo in Denver on January 12-15.  Pikes Peak Outfitter will be showcasing the 2017 line of Hobie kayaks.  Rachel Leinweber, manager of PPO, and Jon Easdon will be staffing the booth.  To say they’re excited is understatement!


Rachel Leinweber, manager of Pikes Peak Outfitter, is excited about the opportunity to talk with folks at the ISE. 


“I love the energy there!”  This is the first year that PPO will have a booth at the Expo. 


“All the people are so stoked to be there.  It’ll be exciting to talk about kayak fly fishing with them.”


Pikes Peak Outfitter’s booth will be right next to the trout tank in Hall F.  One of the big draws to the booth will be to check out the Hobie MD180.  Talk about access to fish!  This kayak brings the newest technology to kayaking and opens up a whole new level to accessing fish on stillwater.


And there’s more! There’ll be kayak seminars hosted by Terry Wickstrom at the trout tank. And the big Hobie kayak give-away! 


Jon Easdon, the Director of Services at Angler’s Covey, will be manning the booth along with Rachel.  You’ll want to swing by and chat it up with him about a new  guide trip added to our menu of trips:  Kayak Fly Fishing Guide Trips. 


“I’m stoked. Kayak fly fishing offers so much – access, solitude, even more exercise!”

rachael and easton

Rachel and Jon enjoy a morning on Skaguay

Reservoir.  Photo by Gaylon Wampler.

Kayak fly fishing opens up access to some of the best stillwater fly fishing in the country.  From searching out huge pike in Spinney and Elevenmile Reservoirs, to chasing bass, crappie, bluegill and wiper in Pueblo Reservoir, anglers will have access to fish not reachable from wading the shores.  There’s always that chance for a big laker – and you’re going to have chances at bigger rainbows, as well. 


“Kayak fly fishing is really open for all anglers.  People new to the sport will love it and so will experienced anglers looking to try something new.” 


Angler’s Covey will offer guided trips for one to two anglers.  We have two kayaks dedicated to kayak fly fishing, a tandem and a solo.  Pricing is comparable to our guide trips:  half-day trips run $365 for a single angler and $475 for two.  Full-day trips are  $485 single and $575 for two.  An additional $90.00 fee covers the kayak rental.


See you at the International Sportsmen’s Expo!  And swing by both shops for the full line of 2017 gear to get you out into the adventure! 


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