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Couples on the River A Birthday Story


by Jon Easdon, Director of Services


We first met Charlie and Sita in the shop prior to their Couples Evening on the River trip. This trip was for Sita’s birthday, and she was somewhat ambivalent about going fly fishing. We see this often as folks, and especially women, tend to have very little confidence or even much interest at the prospect of fly fishing. We assured her that she would have fun and to keep an open mind.


The plan was set and we were ready to roll the next day.


I woke up well before the sun and started to tie flies for the day’s trip. I met Steven, our chef for the day, and off we went to get everything set up on the river. Sharon Wright, my co-guide for the day, was to meet our clients and head up behind us. We arrived to the river with a nice break from the clouds and rain and knew today would be a good day.


Once Sharon and our clients arrived, we quickly suited up and got on the river. Charlie had some experience but this was Sita’s first time fly fishing. After our intro talk regarding safety and what to expect for the day, we began to fish.


Now this being Sita’s first time flyfishing, I was very surprised that she hooked a fish on her very first drift! The fish wasn’t landed — but Sita got the “bug.”


I took Charlie up the river a little ways and we began to throw some dry flies at rising fish. After several misses and lost fish, Charlie started to dial everything in. There is something magical about having a dozen or so rising fish 15 feet in front of you that can make anyone get the giggles. And we both had them.





Charile and Sita enjoy a productive day on the river!


It seemed that whenever we looked down river at Sita and Sharon, Sita was hooked up on a fish. We could see her smile from well upstream. 


After about 4 hours of sighting, casting, hooking, and landing fish, Charlie had an ear-to-ear smile that made the world glow. This reaction to the experience of fly fishing is more rewarding than anything out there. 


Chez StevenWe finished up and got off of the river to get Charlie and Sita up to the lunch location. Upon their arrival to the table donned with wildflowers, pinecones, and some decorative pine branches, they were immediately blown away by the place settings. Sharon and I sat them and served them their drinks, and then we proceeded to help Steven finish up the food. 


A little about Steven Armijo on these trips: he’s a wizard. Steven designed a gourmet menu for these trips and always knocks it out of the park with the cuisine. Everything is prepared right there on the river from scratch. A small Weber grill and a Coleman cookstove are his only tools. It’s really pretty amazing.


Salads were served first, and you could smell the bacon vinaigrette and citrus zest in the air. This was followed up by the entrees of grilled coriander chicken, rice, a homemade avocado salsa, and jalapeno and citrus glazed prawns. Oh my, these entrees looked exquisite! Every crumb of the entrees was consumed with more praise for the food. A shortbread with homemade whipped cream, berries and an orange sauce topped off this 5-star meal. 


Salad prawns


They were so appreciative of the entire experience, they were both in tears. I’ll admit that I was pretty close myself.


Charlie and Sita

Charlie and Sita toast a great day!  

Happy Birthday, Sita!

This was one for the books and yet very similar to 99% of the guided trips we get to do. The friendships we get to make, stories we get to share, and the lessons we get to learn are the true rewards of our profession. 


This, folks, is why we guide. 


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