Mastering the Short Game with Landon Mayer
Although Colorado weather is difficult to predict, we do know two things about the upcoming spring season and early summer: ice-off is going to be later than it has been the last few years and, secondly, high flows are definitely on the horizon. Want to get an edge on these tough conditions?
On April 7 at 3:00 pm, Landon Mayer will be at Angler’s Covey to share his knowledge and expertise on “mastering the short game” to land big fish on the fly. Landon’s presentation and demo will address techniques, rigging, and fly selection to meet the challenge of high water conditions, in particular, and for chasing big fish, in general.
“This presentation will be an interactive learning session, really,” Landon told me. “I want anglers to learn some things off the water that they can directly apply when they get to the river.”
Landon shot over 500 hours of video in the making of his new DVD, Mastering the Short Game,and he has incorporated video, still images, and graphics into his presentation for April 7. This presentation couldn’t happen at a better time as we prepare for what is looking to be a high water spring season in our South Platte basin and fisheries throughout the state.
“The videos and graphics include not only techniques for presentation and rigging, but also some incredible takes when we are sight fishing — taking nymphs, streamers, and dry flies.” All of this adds up to an incredible learning opportunity for techniques to improve presentation of the fly – and a glimpse into fish behavior, too. “We’re all pretty much visual learners,” Landon says, “and the videos and graphics really help with learning some new approaches.”
Following his presentation, Landon will spend some time at the tying table in the shop. Because we are heading into a high water season, Landon will demo his newest “deadly weapon,” offered through Umpqua, the Mini Leech Jig. He also anticipates tying up some Titan Tube Midges for both still water and high water opportunities.
Landon will demo his Mini Leech Jig (left) and his Titan Tube midge (right) at the tying table. |
Of course, a well-tied fly is only tempting to the targeted fish if it is presented effectively. Landon will top-off his demo with ways to rig the fly, and he’ll discuss methods for presenting the fly when chasing that fish of a lifetime.
Landon had originally been scheduled to present at our Fly Fishing Hootenanny at the beginning of March, but had travel troubles due to the weather in Chile (including a freak snowstorm at the end of February). It will be great to have some “classroom time” with one of the premier guides and teachers from our own backyard. At the end of the presentation, Landon will be giving away a pair of Smith’s Guide Choice sunglasses to one of the lucky attendees!
We hope to see you in the Shop on April 7, 3:00 pm, for what promises to be a fun, interactive, and timely session on “Mastering the Short Game.”
Landon Mayer is a Colorado Springs’ native and, like many of us, cut his teeth fishing the South Platter River basin. As he begins his 23rd year of guiding, Landon looks forward to seeing what the season has in store for the South Platte across South Park, at Deckers, and in Cheesman Canyon.