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All-Star Performance Rachel Leinweber

If you know Rachel Leinweber, you know she is not one to pat herself on the back or toot her own horn. She shows up to work and does her job – in this case, General Manager of Angler’s Covey. But one of the co-owners wanted to give a shout out to the work she has done this past month. And rightly so.

March 26th Angler’s Covey Closed our doors and laid-off our entire staff…

Then this girl stepped up and opened up our store to online sales with curbside pick-ups. She did this entirely on her own with a little help from a few. She answered phone calls, gave fishing reports, pulled together her best picks of flies, and helped many of you get what you needed to find that mental release on the stream.

Here is one example:

“Just wanted to say thanks to Rachel for helping me pick flies on Friday. I had the best day I’ve ever had in 11 Mile Canyon on Saturday and maybe the best day I’ve ever had on the river. I landed 22 fish, lost at least that many more (shame on me) and had an absolute blast. It felt like I was fishing the south slope, rather than the South Platte. I appreciate all that you guys do and look forward to getting back out on the river, even though I feel like I should maybe just retire from fishing after that outing.” – AT

Rachel had her first day off today. Jon stepped in to give a breather to an ALL STAR. I may be biased — no, I am biased — but Rachel has exceeded my expectations. — DL

Has she exceeded yours?

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