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Where to Go Elevenmile Reservoir

Current Reports



Angler's Covey Bug of the Month 

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Report Date: 3/21/2025

Current Conditions: 

Well, its looking like ice fishing season is ending a little early this year. In fact, this coming weekend may be the last opportunity to ice fish here this season. The warm and windy weather has opened up a lot of shoreline all over the lake. Be very careful and use extreme caution if you are venturing out on the ice.

11 Mile has a lot of open water. Mostly along the shorelines and northwest ends of the lake. The fishing has been good along the existing ice lines for fish cruising for those early season meals. Its been beyond windy though and thats made for some tough conditions.


Early season stillwater (ice off) there are not many bugs active. Midges are active but not on a large scale yet. Its a game of eggs, scuds, leeches, and some chironomids right now.


At ice off, most of the fish will be cruising very tight to the shorelines. You wont need to cast far right now and will likely be fishing pretty shallow. Focus on the edges of the ice.


Dodge the wind! Try to focus on the times of the day where there will be less wind. Keep your casts rather close to shore. Think more parallel to the shore. The clarity is off a bit but you still mat be able to see some fish cruising and sight fish them.


Short Term-  The wind machine has been cranking as of late. We still have a few more days of heavy wind up here before we get some relief. This weekend, especially Saturday, will be insanely windy. Forecasted winds on Saturday are 35 mph sustained with 55 mph gusts. Sunday will still be windy but not quite as bad. Temps will be in the 40's and we should see a lot of sun. Monday will again be windy but starting on Tuesday we should see several days with way less wind. Next week looks pretty inactive in these parts in terms of storms and weather. Temps will be way above seasonal averages as well and in the 50's and even 60's! Look for the winds to increase again next weekend as a storm system enters the state.

Long Term-  Next weekend a storm system will be coming into the high country. Right now it doesnt look like it will have much of an impact in this area besides more wind. Since it still a week or so away, things could change. Longer range forecasts are lining up to show some potential storm activity at the end of March/first part of April. Lets hope this happens as all of this recent wind has really dried things out. Speaking of wind, we will be seeing quite a bit more of that this spring. We are getting too warm too fast this early spring.

Despite the recent warm weather and wind, we have seen some higher elevation storms in the South Platte basin. Our snowpack is holding strong. This basin is one of the strongest in the state actually and is sitting at 101% of average as of today. As we roll into spring we will have longer days, a higher angle of the sun, and a lot of wind. This combination can start to decrease the overall snowpack at a good pace. With our biggest snow months historically on the horizon March and April), lets hope we can keep building this for our summer water. Snow now means water later, and we can use all we can get!


This is an area we offer guided fly fishing  trips. Angler's Covey is home to some of the best and most passionate anglers in the area.  Ice off can be one of the most exciting times of the year to fish stillwater. If you would like to try your hand at  stillwater fly fishing, give us a call! You wont be disappointed.

For a custom fly assortment for this location, click here!
Our top 6 nymphs for today-
  • Sunny side up eggs, all colors
  • Slapshot scud, orange-grey, sizes 14-16
  • Flashtail egg, orange, sizes 14-16
  • Mini leech jig, black, green, sizes 14-16
  • Frostbite chironomid, sizes 16-18
  • Balanced leech, black/green, sizes 12-14
Our top Dry flies for today-
  • N/A
Our top Streamer patterns for today-
  • Dungeon, white/natural, size 4
  • Double Gonga, yellow. Size 4
  • Meat whistle, white or lighter, sizes 2-8



This is an area we offer guided fly fishing trips. Angler's Covey is home to some of the best and most passionate stillwater experts in the area. If you have never tried Stillwater flyfishing, ice off is one of the best times to do it!


Elevenmile Reservoir is the heart of South Park fishing. This amazing fishery can challenge anglers mostly because it is so big that it's difficult to locate fish. The reservoir has rainbow trout, brown trout, cutthroat trout, kokanee salmon, carp, and northern pike. The average fish caught is around 16 inches. However, because of the size and depth of the reservoir and the abundance of nutrients, Elevenmile can grow very large trout and pike. There are great facilities including a shower at the main office for campers. A daily state parks pass for Elevenmile is 7 dollars.

This is an area we specialize in and are permitted to guide, so give us a shout if you have any questions or if you are interested in allowing one of our Orvis-Endorsed guides showing you how to conquer Elevenmile Reservoir.

Interested in Booking a Trip?

Distance - 62 miles - 1 Hour 20 Mins