Intermediate & AdvancedClasses
At Angler's Covey we want to give you as many options as possible for you to grow your adventure. Our in-depth clinics and advanced course options help accelerate your learning and take your fly fishing to the next level.
All of our classes are available for groups at custom dates and times. Please contact us for more details.

4 Hour 30 Min. Streamside Class Cost: $100 See Dates | Time: 7:30AM-12PM
This class is an in-depth (pun intended) workshop on the dynamics of fishing the immature stages of aquatic insects – larva, pupa, and emerger stages. The primary focus is on proper line control techniques. Other subjects covered include equipment, basic entomology, leader systems, reading water, visualizing fish, stream etiquette, and how to properly play and release fish. The streamside class runs approximately 4 and ½ hours long from 7:30am until noon. Locations vary depending on instructor and conditions. You must have your fishing license and bring your own equipment. Class enrollment is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6.

4 Hour 30 Min. Streamside Class Cost: $100 See Dates | Time: 7:30AM-12PM
Nothing is quite as satisfying and picturesque as fishing with dry flies. The focus of this class is on refining techniques and line management skills when pursuing that fish rising to the surface. This 4 & ½ hour streamside class covers leader systems, basic entomology, trout movement in response to the fly, slack line casting, dead drift techniques, mending, and dry fly fishing strategies. You must have your fishing license and bring your own equipment. Class enrollment is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6.

Streamer fishing is often ignored by many fly fishers and it shouldnt be. Streamer fishing will add another tool for anglers looking to expand their game. This class is designed to break down a lot of the common barriers in streamer fishing. Learn rigging, casting, and techniques to fish on area lakes, rivers, and streams. These classes will take place on one of our permitted outfitting locations.
- Locating areas to fish streamers/reading the water
- Rigging various systems (Line, leader, tippet, weight, and streamer systems) for successful lake and river fishing
- Choosing fly patterns
- Casting techniques with heavy flies
- Mastering retrieval techniques
- Catch and release techniques
NOTE: This is NOT a beginner’s class. Participants must have their own equipment and a basic knowledge of fly fishing.

2 Hour Intro ClassCost: $40Registration is required
This class will take you through all of the necessary techniques, tactics, and strategies to enjoy early season stillwater success. Topics covered will range from entomology, rigging, and gear to use. The course is held in the Angler’s Covey classroom.

2 Part Stillwater Fundamentals Class Cost: $225See Dates | Time: 6:00 PM-8pm/8am-noon Location: South Park Private Water Registration is Required
Learn the stillwater secrets from one of the region’s best stillwater anglers. Stillwater fishing is often overlooked but is one of the most productive opportunities to fish for multiple species and that chance for a “fish of a lifetime!” These classes will take place on a private lake in South Park. The location is approximately 75 minutes from Colorado Springs. The on water portion of this class is dependent on conditions and numbers of students in the class. Learn the basics of how to fish for stillwater trout:
- Being safe on the lake
- Locating productive areas to fish
- Rigging various systems (Line, leader, tippet, weight, strike indication, hopper/dropper, and streamer systems) for successful lake fishing
- Choosing fly patterns
- Casting techniques from the shore and from belly boats or other watercraft
- Mastering retrieval techniques
- Catch and release techniques
- Other little secrets that will make the experience more successful and enjoyable
NOTE: This is NOT a beginner’s class. Participants must have their own equipment and a basic knowledge of fly fishing.

Seasonal Class Cost: $100 See Dates Location: Classroom at Angler's Covey Registration is required
Colorado is blessed to have some top quality tailwater fisheries that make fly fishing a year-round sport. Why not take advantage of this “secret season,” when fishing pressure is low and the challenge increases? Part 1 of this class will focus on safety and warm weather gear, where to fish, winter food sources for fish, selecting winter fly fishing equipment (tippet, leader, rod and reel selection, etc.), rig set ups (that is, nymph, dry, and streamer fishing), and winter strategies and techniques.
Part 2 will take place on the river where students can apply their newfound knowledge in real time. This class is taught by 2 of our Orvis-Endorsed Guides.

Class and Streamside Instruction Cost: $100 See Dates | Time: 6:00 AM Location: Angler's Covey & Cheesman Canyon Registration is required | Class Size: 3 - 5
One of the most technical fisheries in our region is Cheesman Canyon. Not only is the location one of the most scenic, it is home to trophy rainbow, brown, and cuttbows. This class give syou the opportunity to learn from a local expert on fishing this unique water. The instructor will address all methods and unique strategies necessary to meet the demands of this highly technical water: straight-line nymphing, hopper-dropper techniques, and dry fly approaches. The class will cover sight fishing in the Canyon, identifying local entomology, making correct fly selection, exploring seasonal strategies, and choosing entry/exit locations. The class size is a minimum of three, a maximum of five participants.
Prerequisite/Notes: This class requires anglers to have previous fly fishing experience and their own equipment. Not a beginner’s class. You will also be hiking into the canyon and should be in good physical condition.
Part 1 - Lecture

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (On a Wednesday)
Location: Angler's Covey
Almost essential to mastering the sport of fly fishing for trout is a deep knowledge of aquatic insects. This class will help you understand the bug life in a stream as the key to catching more trout. This classroom lecture focuses on the identification and life cycles of key aquatic trout foods found in Colorado's rivers, streams, and still water environments. The follow-up to the lecture is the entomology streamside class.
Location: Angler's Covey
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (On a Wednesday)
Part 2 - Streamside

Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM (On the Following Sunday)
Location: To Be Determined by Instructor
The streamside portion of the class introduces techniques for collecting, identifying, preserving, and curating aquatic insects which occur in both still and moving water. Although not required, we highly recommend that students take the Aquatic Entomology lecture before the streamside class. Students will need to supply their own seine (available at Angler's Covey). Streamside location is dependent upon conditions and will be determined just prior to the class. The class minimum is 4, maximum none. Registration required.
Location: To Be Determined By Instructor
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon (On the following Sunday)
Class size: At least 4
Cost: $100 See Dates Registration is Required
201 Entomology, Fly Selection and Rigging with Juan Ramirez and Tyler Boroff

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Angler's Covey
In this new series of classes, students will learn the relation to the bugs and the fly patterns that imitate them. How to rig for them and also how to effectively fish them. These classes are designed to bridge the gap between fly patterns and the real thing. This class is taught by professional Fly tyers and Guides Juan Ramirez and Tyler Boroff. These two bring extensive knowledge to the table and will offer a unique view into all of the bugs that inhabit our area and much of the west. The instructors will also teach when, why and how to fish these patterns.
This class series will offer 6 classes. Each class date will cover a different entomology subject. Sign up for one or all 6 classes!
January 31- Midges
• A talk about the lifecycle of midges.
• Break down the lifecycle and showing what flies we best think match the real insect.
• On hand conversation on how to fish the different stages of the bugs lifecycle along with rigging
February 28- Scuds/Annelids/Mysis/Sowbug/Leeches
• A break down of what flies we think best match the real insect.
• On hand conversation on when and how to fish the flies.
March 28- Baetis (Mayflies)
• A talk about the lifecycle of Baetis
• Break down the lifecycle and showing what flies we think match the real insect.
• On hand conversation on how to fish the different stages of the bugs lifecycle along with rigging.
April 25- Caddis
• A talk about the lifecycle of Caddis.
• Break down the lifecycle and showing what flies we think match the real insect.
• On hand conversation on how to fish the different stages of the bugs lifecycle along with rigging.
May 30- Mayfly May
• A talk about the lifecycle of Mayflies.
• Break down the lifecycle and showing what flies we think match the real insect.
• On hand conversation on how to fish the different stages of the bugs lifecycle along with rigging.
June 27- Terrestrials and Stoneflies
• A talk the lifecycle of Terrestrials and Stoneflies.
• Break down the lifecycle and showing what flies we think match the real insect.
• On hand conversation on how to fish the different stages of the bugs lifecycle along with rigging.
Each class is $100 per person, or sign up for all 6 for $550.00! Every student that signs up for all 6 classes will be entered to win a custom fly box with patterns tied by both Juan Ramirez and Tyler Boroff.
(If youd like to sign up for the classes a la carte, just pick the pertinent date on the calendar )
Spots are extremely limited!!
Location: Angler's Covey
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (On a Wednesday)
Cost: $100 See Dates Registration is Required

Seasonal Class Cost: $40 See Dates Location: Classroom at Angler's Covey Registration is required
In this class, Angler's Covey Director of Services and Guide Jon Easdon will take you through the the tactics and techniques in fishing one of our best kept secrets. Topics will include access, kayak tips, fly patterns, tactics, rigging and more.
This class is great for any angler wanting to get into stillwater flyfishing, or the experienced angler wanting to learn something different. This will be much more than a kayak class…