Euro Nymphing with Lance Egan
One of the things that always surfaces during our Orvis 101 classes is how multi-faceted the fly fishing adventure is. It really is a life long sport. That’s what makes our upcoming event with Lance Egan so exciting. His presentation on Saturday evening will be a special event in this time of limited travel and gathering size: a live session with opportunities throughout the evening to pose questions, learn from a world-class euro nymphing expert, and grow your fly fishing game.
In an interview in 2015, Lance said, “My goals in fly fishing are to learn as much as possible, share my angling passion with others, enjoy lots of time on the water and catch new species in new waters!” His personal philosophy is completely aligned with ours at Angler’s Covey! We are constantly trying to grow as anglers and help others expand their experience, too.

This class will cover all things Euro Nymphing, including:
- a brief introduction to the technique,
- terminology and rigging,
- breaking down water types based on season and water temperature,
- understanding the water column.
The presentation will be in our shop with Lance “Zooming In.” This is a unique and “first of its kind” format that will allow him to show video clips and photos while making space for a Question and Answer format throughout the presentation. Think of it as YouTube on steroids. Interactive YouTube. Attendees at the evening’s presentation will get first-rate, top-notch instruction on euro nymphing with real-time interaction with Lance.
“With more experience comes increased knowledge, effectiveness and refined technique. I enjoy each day on the water and always try to find some takeaways to continue my growth as an angler.” ~~ Lance Egan
Lance Egan is a 3-time national fly fishing champion and an authority in the euro nymphing technique.

Register for the event here.