Labor Day Weekend
It’s hard to tell what kind of weather we’ll have or what kind of fishing conditions we’ll see on Labor Day weekend. Will it be the heat of summer making its last stand? Or will we have the hints of fall weather in the air? Usually, it’s both: the cool mornings and evenings frame the 85-90 degree mid-day temperatures. Terrestrials? Nymphs? Dries?
Dave Herber guided a mother and son for their first fly rod experience in Elevenmile Canyon on Sunday. Dave reports that “The Trico Hatch was a good one…..a 5 on a 1-10 scale. Even though the flow had dropped about 40 cfs on Saturday, the dry fly fishing was good. All of Alden’s trout were caught on Trico patterns….the White Widow’s Web Spent Wing Trico was the fly of the day.” You can see a video of their trip here.
I headed to Decker’s late in the day on Sunday, not getting to the South Platte until 4:45. I needed to get out of the heat downtown — and headed to Decker’s with the small hope that the river would not be shoulder-to-shoulder fishing. It’s was great! A few fellow fly fishers were downstream from Deckers, but plenty of good stretches laid out before us. My girlfriend tied on a natural-colored Sculpzilla … and landed a 20″ or so Brown trout on the first cast. Before evening arrived, she had a 14″ Rainbow and another good-sized Brown. That second Brown was caught on a first cast, too, in a nice deep hole on the YMCA road part of Deckers.
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