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Women on the River Some Resources

Angler’s Covey has plenty of opportunities for women to join the adventure of flyfishing.  Check out these sites for information — and watch for updates as we add classes and announce dates for 2013!


Pikes Peak Women Anglers


Fly fishing is a great sport for everyone to enjoy – both men AND women! But we do recognize that the majority of fly fishermen are men and sometimes women can have greater challenges in finding friends who share their passion. For that reason, we’ve created a local fly fishing club just for ladies: Pikes Peak Women Anglers, or PPWA for short. Whether you are new to the sport or have been fly fishing for years, come check out our group and join us on our fun fly fishing trips!


Classes and Camps for Women

Check out the line-up of classes offered by women and for women!


Great blog:  The Flyfishing Woman


The Denver Post recently ran this article:   Women taking up fly-fishing in greater numbers

“There are no exact numbers, but by and large, fly-fishing has long been regarded as a “male-dominated” activity. There’s little doubt that a female angler on the banks of a trout stream a few years ago would raise an eyebrow.

Not anymore.

An unscientific survey of Colorado’s fly-fishing cognoscenti confirms that somewhere in the past decade, women have made a significant ingress.

“Fly-fishing is very restorative,” said Erica Stock of Trout Unlimited. “It’s not a race. It’s not a competition. It’s meant to relax you.”

Read more:Women taking up fly-fishing in greater numbers – The Denver 




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