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Landon Mayer 101 Trout Tips


“The fish you land teach you something; the fish you lose teach you everything.” 


So begins Landon Mayer’s introduction to his book 101 Trout Tips / A Guide’s Secrets, Tactics, and Techniques.  You know this book is going to be worth reading more than once.  On March 5, Landon Mayer will be talking about these tactics and techniques – and more — at the Colorado Springs Fly Fishing Show.  I had a chance to talk with Landon and get a brief overview of his presentation. 



Landon will be focused on “tips on how to approach problems we all, as anglers, encounter. Each problem covered is followed by two or three solutions.”  In fact, his book is arranged in a problem-solution format.  In Chapter 4, for example, called “Reading Moving Water,” he has a section called “Riffled Rewards”:

Problem:  All of the conventional runs are occupied by other anglers, and I don’t know where to start. 

Solution:  Dissect the fast riffled water between the deep runs.  These areas are ideal protection zones for trout.  What follows is a detailed explanation of how to fish the riffles – a prime location for sight-fishing.


His 50-minute presentation will be a guided tour, so to speak, through the book. He’ll cover “fly selection, rigging, presentations, the fight … and much more.” Of course, he’ll be sharing photos and videos throughout.


I asked Landon if he had any tips for anglers heading into the spring.  “I encourage anglers to concentrate on the warming trend during the spring. This way, you know the fish are in a feeding mood.” Does he have any prediction for run-off?  “If the snow pack remains around 100% I think we should have normal and steady flows through the fall, not the flood we saw last year!”


Before we got off the phone, I asked Landon for any final thoughts about his presentation:  “My goal is for anglers to leave the presentation with a new look at how to approach selective trout. Tight lines to all!!”


See our Facebook page for more info on the Colorado Springs Fly Fishing Show on March 5. You can get more detailed info about the day’s schedule here


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