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Fishing Reports on our Website

You’ve seen Fishing Reports on other websites. You read through the report with excitement and mentally plan your trip. Then you scroll back up to re-check the date only to discover that the report is from March 2019 written by a guy who is no longer even around. Well, welcome to the new feature on the Angler’s Covey re-designed website: Fishing Reports. “We want to be the one-stop shop for all anglers,” says Jon Easdon, Director of Services. “And that means providing reports that are ultra-detailed and updated 2 to 3 times per week.”

Image of Angler's Covey menu bar for fishing reports
On our navigation bar, you will find the link to the “Fishing Reports.”

Rachel Leinweber, the Shop’s General Manager, adds that we have a commitment to share the expertise with anglers — local and those visiting the area. “We want to give our customers valuable information in the reports” and “we won’t withhold info” when it comes to helping customers have a great day on the river or stillwater that is their destination.

So, what kind of information can you find in our Fishing Report?

Flows and current weather conditions at each destination are part of our Reports.

Right beneath the Flow and Weather report for each destination, you will find a brief write-up of the general conditions of the area. Important info regarding how flows are impacting the fishing, some tips and tricks, and suggestions to make your trip more enjoyable are provided here. “The data in our reports are a compilation of info from staff, guides, and even customers,” Easdon says.

Image and link to online shop for fishing report
Take the guesswork out of which patterns to buy!

A big part of any Fishing Report is what patterns are being productive with suggestions for Nymphs, Dry Flies, and Streamers. Our Report takes that one step further.

An added and unique feature of our Fishing Reports is that we link directly to our online store so you can purchase an expertly selected assortment of patterns for your destination. You can order 6, 12, 24, or 36 flies in either all Nymphs, all Dries, or a Nymph & Dry combination.

Our Shop’s motto is “inviting you into the adventure” and what kind of an invitation would it be to not offer you the best information — up-to-date, detailed, and provided by experts in the field — to make your adventure the best it can be.

Check out the website. Check out the reports. Then head into the Shop for all of your fly fishing needs!

1 Comment

  1. Larry Schwarz on January 15, 2021 at 7:54 am

    Thank you for your reliable reports and attention to detail.

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