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Meet Steve Gossage


The Basics

Name:          Steve Gossage                                                 

Family:         Wife and two sons                                                         

Home Town:  Colorado Springs, Colorado                                    

What you do for fun in addition to fishing:  Tie flies.


Fishing-Related Stuff:

Earliest fishing memory: Sinton’s pond with my dad and uncle.                                                        


Favorite “Go to” flies for the South Platte: RS2, San Juan Worm, Thread Midges, Parachute Adams, Shot Glass Baetis                                       


Technique you’re passionate about: Most people think I am the “Streamer Guy”, which I do love throwing Streamers, don’t get me wrong. But I truly love dry fly fishing. Much more technical casting involved.                                    


Favorite “off the grid” fishing location: TOP SECRET!                                                             


Favorite fishing buddy: My boys.                                                                                                    


More Random Stuff:                                             

Who was your favorite celebrity as a child? Mickey Mantle. Yep I am old.


Favorite band/group growing up: Believe it or not….Earth, Wind and Fire                                                     


What type of pets do you have now or did you have growing up? Dogs and snakes                                


What is your greatest accomplishment? 33 years and counting of marriage                                                


What is your favorite summer or winter drink? You mean besides beer, right?                                         


When you go out to eat, what are you most likely to order? You mean besides beer right?                 


Where do you want to retire? Why? Maybe on the Western Slope (Colorado)                                          


Who do you admire? My wife                                                          


What are you reading right now? The Bible                                                                


What is your real hair color? Can’t remember                                                           


What sporting, musical or cultural event have you been to recently? Opening day at Coors field this year.


What attracted you to Angler’s Covey? Kent Brekke. One of the nicest people I have ever met.


If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Play a musical instrument. Like a Guitar.             


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