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Pat Dorsey Presenting at the Colorado Springs Fly Fishing Show

Pat Dorsey, author of Colorado Guide Flies and Southwest Field Editor for Fly Fisherman magazine, will be presenting on March 5 at our Colorado Springs Fly Fishing Show.  Pat will share his tailwater expertise with us on where to fish, when to fish, and what to use to get more fish on and to the net.

Colorado Guide FliesOf course, Pat’s presentation will include a focus on the patterns featured in Colorado Guide Flies.  Angler’s Covey has a couple of guides featured in the book; Jon Kleis, Juan Ramirez, and Greg Blessing all have patterns they created included in the book.

Pat’s presentation will go further, though.  He’ll talk about fish being opportunistic or selective feeders.  When do they pounce?  When are they more finicky?  More importantly, what do you do in response to how they are eating?

With run-off coming soon, Pat will talk about strategies for fishing high water.  Fish have to keep eating, right, even when flows get up there!  What are they eating? Where? And what techniques will make your fishing more productive in these high, off-color, and faster waters.

And, of course, Pat’s presentation will include great photos of fly fishing action from around the state!

Mark your calendars for March 5 and watch our Facebook page for updates to the Colorado Springs Fly Fishing Show.

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